
Friday, February 25, 2011


The naked lady (part 3)..


After taking pictures of “the naked lady”, I wanted to explore more about this flower. I noticed that the bottom of the stem was red. I was curious to see if the color of the stem would stain/come off, so I pressed the bottom against a piece of fabric (jersey). 

The stem gave only a little bit off and I was pretty disappointed and out of frustration I pulled the leaves from the flower(naked). 
I wrapped the leaves and stem together into the fabric.

After 15 minutes I saw red spots all through the fabric. I was so exited and could not wait for the fabric to dry up. The result was beyond my expectation. What I find particularly interesting is the color nuance (shades) and the darklines that runs through the fabric.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011




The title of this post " Into the light" displays the images above. I was ill-at-ease and decided to get started with acrylic paint, to put my feelings on paper. 

I came to some interesting images, so I made a selection by linking the images together. By coincidence, I discovered that the color and structure emerges when you hold it against the light. The structure is reminiscent of veins, arteries throughout our body..

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Insecurity roots deep inside you
 So deep you often won’t even notice it 
Untill you ask yourself the question “why?”

Why do I make choices, and regret afterwards?
Why am I afraid, afraid to take changes
Without first doubthing myself and say, 
But what if?

Insecurity arises from fear

Fear to be, be who I am and what I believe in
Fear of what others will think of me…
But ultimately it’s all about letting go..

Processing your past through all your emotions 
and give it a place by 

poem vritten by Joyce Sitaram

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The naked lady (part 2)..

Pictures created by Joyce Sitaram

In the first part of "the naked lady" I showed you pictures of the Amaryllis, a beautiful flower with the intens color red. I was inspired by this flower because of the shape, color and the structure. It's very interesting to see how the amaryllis transforms. I started to study it, by making pictures and really zoomed into the flower. 

For the second part I zoomed in on the bottom of the steel. When you look at the pictures above you can't recognize the amaryllis anymore, I created a whole new abstract world. The last picture almost looks like a paithing..

..To be continued


Saturday, February 12, 2011


The naked lady..

Red is the color of the Amaryllis 
She looks very fragile, but when she transforms 
Into a beautiful and impressive phenomenon
She exudes passion, strength and self-confidence

Pictures created by Joyce Sitaram

I am longing for self-confidence 
The confidence to finally let go..

..Still searching

Monday, February 7, 2011


The first time I saw his work
It was almost like the painting cast a spell
A spell on me as the viewer
Initially through the eruption of brilliant colors 
The concentration and splintering of forms

Image created by Cy Twombly Lepanto 2001

It was so intense, so intense I almost cried
At that moment I realised that there was a connection
A connection based on Expression

 Images created by Joyce Sitaram 

Cy Twombly
Joyce Sitaram
Joyce Sitaram                          Cy Twombley  

Image created by Joyce Sitaram

..Under the spell of Cy Twombley


Saturday, February 5, 2011

I AM..

Today is the beginning, the beginning to overcome
 Overcome my fear and insecurity
Today I will show, show the world who I am..

Image created by Joyce Sitaram

Just let my feelings and emotions free, free to reach out
To give you insight at my point of view
This is my inspiration..